IOM Nationals - Datchet Water 2017
With light winds and sunshine forecast over the bank holiday weekend for once the forecasters got it spot on.
Day one produced the best wind with the seeding races getting off on time on the South course, these were won by Graham Elliott, Rob Walsh, Gavin Watson and Chris Harris.
Not long after the wind filled from the North East with the race team moving all to the North Course, with time running out before the time cutoff we managed to get to race 3b with A fleet up for an early start the following morning.
Day two, after a slight delay waiting for wind, A fleet were on the water on the South course, Rob Walsh again won with an impressive three first places now on the score sheet.
With things looking up after a move to the North course race four had been completed and race 5 heats D and C sailed, the wind dropped yet again… However the IOM fleet are a friendly bunch and during the interlude waiting for wind, plenty of advice was exchanged. We also learned that Ian Dundas missed his vocation of a volleyball coach!
PRO Chris watts moved back to the South course, any breeze that materialised was not stable enough to set a course and it was decided to end the day slightly before time and make the most of the weather for the class barbecue.

(click on image to see a larger view)
Congratulations to Rob Walsh on becoming the
2017 IOM National Champion.

Day three bought sunshine yet again, the class barbecue was obviously a huge success with more than a few sore heads evident. Race 5b was underway on time with some usual suspects making A fleet for the first time after a slow start to the event.
With A fleet back on the water to contest race 5 the wind shifted a long way right with thirty seconds to the start leading to the AP being hoisted and waiting for more stable conditions. By 2pm it was looking as though race 6 might not happen.
(click on image to see a larger view)
However race 5A was possible if a stable enough breeze would hold. With the top ten tightly grouped on points race 5A would be an interesting Championship decider!
Unfortunately despite valiant efforts from the race team mother nature was not going to play ball, after two attempts and conditions getting lighter PRO Chris Watts took the tough and fair decision to end the day and championships early.