As has already been stated in the NoR, work has been ongoing along the length of the promenade to install a new Flood defence barrier for the town of West Kirby. This includes a section at the edge of the Club boat park. We have been advised by the club that work is now behind schedule and certainly will not be complete by the time of the event. We continue to monitor the local situation, but wish to advise both existing and potential entries that Birkenhead RS & PC may need to move the event location from WKSC to the Birkenhead Club if access to both the promenade (as a Control Area) and the Apron is severely limited for both competitors and the race team.
An assessment on whether or not the event may be safely hosted at WKSC will be taken on Wednesday 24th August. A decision will then be taken by the club on the final location (WKSC or Birkenhead lake) and announced to all entries and MYA members, by 18:00 on Thursday 25th. Any questions on this should be directed to the event contact in the NoR.
Peter Baldwin
Event RO