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We were greeted by fantastic weather at Castle Semple today for the registration and practice day. Temperature was at least 18 degrees and at times felt like 20 or more. The race team were extremely organised, and with a small queue at the measurement hut, the checking of boats went smoothly.

There had been almost no wind until just after 2pm when lots of skippers took the opportunity to have a sail and do some trimming. Tommorow is forecast much lower temperature and rain comming in by 10am.


As per the NOR, although entries are now closed, entries will be accepted up to noon, 23rd April 2022. The entry fee remains £50.

The Nationals are lining up to be a great event with a high calibre GBR and international entry. This presents a great opportunity for club and District sailors to meet, compete and learn from some of the best in the world. However, there is also intended to be a great deal of evening fun with the capacity of the Bowfield Hotel to host many skippers and their partners as well as the Sunday evening Social Event.

It will be great! So, come on, why not enter? (click here)

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