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Updated: Dec 28, 2021

Just to let you know that the IOMICA - the global governing body for the One Metre class of radio sailing boat - has published its Agenda for their upcoming AGM


As part of Emsworth Slipper Sailing Club's Centenary Celebrations, Emsworth Radio Sailing ran an IOM regatta last Saturday. A beautiful early autumn day with warm sunshine and gentle breeze greeted the competitors. Consistency was the order of the day, with some exciting racing,

culminating in local skipper Hugh Watson with his ex Titch Summers Scottish championship winning Britpop taking the overall winners prize.

A full report of the event, can be read here:

It would be inspiring for other clubs to send reorts of their IOM events to me for inclusion on the IOMGBR website - i look forward to receiving them.


Updated: Dec 28, 2021

MYA Scottish District 2021 Wooden IOM Championship

Greenock, Saturday 9th October 2021

Report by Richard Rowan

Eight skippers from throughout Scotland brought their wooden hull IOMs to Greenock for the MYA Scottish District 2021 Wooden IOM Championship in the face of an adverse weather forecast - 2.5 days of yellow weather warning for heavy rain finishing at lunchtime and a southerly wind direction which is not a good direction at Greenock. However, it didn’t really turn out like that - travelling conditions were relatively good, the wind direction had enough west in it to enable a good course to be laid with the only downside being fairly constant rain through the morning session ...the complete opposite of the weather on the Hampshire coast!........Read the full report here

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