Registration - Measurement - Certification
To race your International One Metre Class Radio Sailing Yacht, it must be registered with the IOM GBR Class Association.
How to:
Contact the Class Registrar click here (make sure to choose IOM class)
Certify and/or Register your IOM Boat
Get your sails measured and signed
Register - Measure - Certify
Here is an easy to follow flow chart showing the process you need to follow to get your new or used boat registered, including how to get it measured and certified. It contains all the links to the forms and the registrar. For registrar details scroll down the list of officers until you find: Nick Cowern - IOM Registrar
Click on the adjacent image to read it
If you prefer, select the relevant Registration Process FAQ below to read step by step instructions with links to contact the Class Registrar and all the information required to complete the task you want to do.
Conditions for Registration
This registration page applies only to the IOM class of radio sailing boat.
You must be a current MYA member and a member of an affiliated MYA Club. If your not a member, please see information on how to become one here.
If you are unsure as to whether your boat is an IOM Class Radio sailing boat, contact your nearest Radio Sailing club at

IOM GBR Measurement - Reference and Documentation
Key Reference Documents
World Sailing – Equipment Rules for Sailing
Notes on certification of yachts. General definitions – closed rules/open rules. Certification control, Official measurers, personnel definitions. Boat definitions, Hull definitions and measurement, Hull appendage definitions and measurement, Rig and sail definitions and measurement.
World Sailing – Measurers Manual 2017
Don’t read it all but certainly use it as a reference, some good background reading on accuracy and repeatability and also a lot about weighing. Did you know an IOM calibrated weight in Southampton will weigh 8 grams more at the North Pole with the same scales!
MYA – Class Measurer Training
A very much condensed version of the above specifically aimed at model yachting with the measuring and weighing equipment that complements it.
IOMICA – Class Rule History
Rule changes and why
Class Rules and Interpretation
IOMICA – Class Rules
IOMICA – Rule Interpretation
MYA – IOM Certification V6 – Clarifies rules
IRSA – Supplementary Rules ( Document under Technical /Administration) Covers sail number positioning)
Measurers/Owners - checklists and forms for registration (pick form to download or print)
IOMICA - IOM Certification and measurement form
IOMICA - IOM Hull and Appendage check list
IOMICA - IOM Rigs and Sails check list
IOMICA – IOM Measurer’s record
IOMICA – Certificate and measurement form for additional rigs
List of Measurers and contact information (requires login to MYA members Area).